Non c'è bisogno di presentazioni, questo è il loro ultimo lavoro. Il 26 giugno sono a Milano insieme a Korn, Nine Inch Nails e Faith no More. Vedete voi...
Omar Rodríguez-López had discussed the band's next album as early as January 2008, the month that The Bedlam in Goliath was released, claiming "I consider it to be our acoustic album." Cedric Bixler-Zavala has also spoken of the album as "acoustic" and "mellow," yet stated: "We know how people can be so linear in their way of thinking, so when they hear the new album, they're going to say, 'This is not an acoustic album! There's electricity throughout it!' But it's our version. That's what our band does -- celebrate mutations. It's our version of what we consider an acoustic album."
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01 Teflon
02 Halo of Nembutals
03 With Twilight as My Guide
04 Cotopaxi
05 Desperate Graves
06 Copernicus
07 Luciforms
8 commenti:
thank you
il link non funge! hanno rimosso il file!
oppure questo http://link-protector.com/x-107925
cmq a me nn mi convince sto disco...
anche se a me gli ultimi due non son piaciuti molto...
l'ho sentito e secondo me non è malaccio, ma piuttosto sottotono rispetto ai vecchi (De-Loused bla bla bla su tutti). comunque Cotopaxi spacca.
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